
Leopard retrieves a Thompson’s Gazelle kill from high in a tree – Maasai Mara 2023

Leopard retrieves a Thompson’s Gazelle kill from high in a tree. n Kenya’s Maasai Mara, we had been following this female leopard as she approached a tree where she had stashed a Thompson’s Gazelle kill high up in the canopy. She climbed the tree with ease even though it had an almost vertical trunk with no side branches. She made this look effortless. Of course, she had carried the whole kill up this tree previously. It seemed likely that this was a young male Thompson’s Gazelle which would have weighed around 25kg. An impressive show of strength by the Leopard. We thought she would settle down and eat what was left of the carcass. But no! She lifted the remains of carcass, carried it down the tree and took it away. Another impressive feat! A quite incredible encounter!