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Yacaré Caiman portraits – Pantanal, Brazil 2022

Yacaré Caiman portraits – Pantanal, Brazil 2022

Yacaré Caiman portraits. This short film captures features of a commonly seen animal in Brazil’s Northern Pantanal: the Yacaré Caiman. Whilst these are now common, this was not always the case. They were hunted extensively to make crocodile shoes (during the 1980s, 1...

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Yacare Caiman – Pantanal, Brazil 2016

Yacare Caiman – Pantanal, Brazil 2016

The awesome yacare caiman. Only recently was the caiman found in the Pantanal split off from the spectacled caiman and declared a species in its own right - the yacare or yacare caiman. Although one of the small crocodilians, the yacare caiman can reach 3m in length....

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