Lions chase and take down a zebra. We had been following the Enkoyanai pride of lions for some time in the early morning light of the Olare Motorogi Conservancy, Maasai Mara. They were clearly on the lookout for potential prey. First they spotted a giraffe and then a...
Lioness and hyenas fight over an impala carcass – Maasai Mara, Kenya 2024
Lioness and hyenas fight over an impala carcass. We had witnessed a female Cheetah take down a male Impala. This made a magnificent meal for her and her almost mature male cub. We watched as they had their fill and then wandered off to rest. Within a matter of seconds...
Warthogs enjoy a waterhole – Mana pools, Zimbabwe 2024
Warthogs enjoy a waterhole. Warthogs always enjoy a wallow and those around Kavinga Safari Lodge, Mana Pools were no exception. Each day family groups would go down to the waterhole from their arid habitat and enjoy a long drink and a wallow in the cooling waters....
Monitor Lizard on the bank of the Mara River – Serengeti, Tanzania 2024
Monitor Lizard on the bank of the Mara River. We were surrounded by thousands of Wildebeest as they milled around trying to build up enough courage to begin the hazardous crossing of the Mara River in the northern Serengeti. As we waited a Monitor Lizard emerged from...
Elephant herd crosses the Mara River – Serengeti, Tanzania 2024
Elephant herd crosses the Mara River. Further downstream in the Mara River, tens of thousands of Wildebeest were crossing the river in scenes of chaos and panic. At this point on the river however, a herd of elephants was making a crossing sedately and enjoying a very...
Leopard with a Zebra foal kill in a tree – Serengeti, Tanzania 2024
Leopard with a Zebra foal kill in a tree. The day was drawing to a close and the storm clouds were gathering and the wind was picking up in Lamai in the northern Serengeti. The sky looked most impressive! It was time to think about returning to camp. But something in...
Thousands of Cape Turtle Doves at a waterhole – Mana Pools, Zimbabwe 2024
Thousands of Cape Turtle Doves at a waterhole. Early every morning at the waterhole at Kavinga Safari Lodge, Mana Pools, Zimbabwe huge numbers of Cape Turtle Doves would arrive to get a drink. First they would circle around above the water in their thousands causing...
Lions enjoying a drink at a waterhole – Mana Pools, Zimbabwe 2024
Lions enjoying a drink at a waterhole. It was dark when this lioness was drinking at the waterhole at Kavinga Safari Lodge, Mana Pools, Zimbabwe. She was then joined by a second lioness and they enjoyed a drink together. As a male lion arrived one of the females beat...
A crash of white rhino on the move – Laikipia, Kenya 2024
A crash of white rhino on the move. In the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya’s Laikipia County we came across this group of White Rhino (collective noun: a crash) as they moved across the plain. They were clearly on a mission. What incredible animals. The Ol Pejeta...
Grizzly Bear has a good scratch – Nakina River, British Columbia 2024
Grizzly Bear has a good scratch. Grizzly Bears are frequent visitors to the scratching tree as can be seen by the staining on the trunk. This bear enjoyed itself on its visit. It was a comical scene to behold but clearly serves a very important role for the bears. The...
Lion pride heads for a drink – Tanzania, 2024
Lion pride heads for a drink. We had been watching this pride of lions in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, near to Ndutu Safari Lodge, Tanzania for a few days. They were not in good shape. There was little prey for them and they were all very thin. The cubs in...
Large flocks of Lilian’s Lovebirds – Mana Pools, Zimbabwe 2024
Large flocks of Lilian's Lovebirds. Large flocks of Lilian’s Lovebirds came down to drink at the waterhole in Mana Pools, Zimbabwe. These are beautiful small green parrots with a red bill, white eye ring and an orangey-red face. Their screechy chattering can be heard...
Lioness drinking at a waterhole – Mana Pools, Zimbabwe 2024
Lioness drinking at a waterhole. Just as the sun was setting, this lioness arrived at the waterhole at Kavinga Safari Lodge, Mana Pools, Zimbabwe. She was certainly well fed after earlier having taken down a Cape Buffalo and was no in need of a good, long drink. This...
Gorgeous African Wild Cat kittens – Ngorgongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania 2024
Gorgeous African Wild Cat kittens. A flash of two small creatures as they disappeared into a hole in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area near Ndutu Safari Lodge. What were they? After a while a little head appeared - an African Wld Cat kitten. Wow! Two kittens in what...
A beautiful Leopard cub arrives for a drink – Mana Pools, Zimbabwe 2024
A beautiful Leopard cub arrives for a drink. The hide by the waterhole at Kavinga Safari Camp in Mana Pools, Zimbabwe is an amazing place to see big cats up close and personal. This particular evening an 8 month old Leopard cub arrived for a long drink. Bats and...
Lion cubs in a playful mood – Serengeti, Tanzania 2024
Lion cubs in a playful mood. As the day was drawing to an end in the Lamai Wedge in the northern Serengeti most of the lion pride were resting. These three cubs had plenty of energy still and appeared to be having great fun chasing each other around. But eventually...
Four impressive male lions – Serengeti, Tanzania 2024
Four impressive male lions. Early in the morning four fabulous male Lions were resting in the long grass when a herd of Cape Buffalo emerged from bushes behind them. There were too many buffalo for this to be a hunting opportunity so the lions moved on and out of the...
Thousands of Wildebeest heading south across the Mara River in the Serengeti – the great migration – Serengeti, Tanzania 2024
Thousands of Wildebeest heading south across the Mara River in the Serengeti - the great migration. One of the most spectacular wildlife sights on the planet! Massive herds of Wildebeest numbering hundreds of thousands of animals migrate around the Serengeti and...
Huge crocodiles attack Wildebeest in the Mara River – Serengeti, Tanzania 2024
Huge crocodiles attack Wildebeest in the Mara River. Massive herds of Wildebeest numbering hundreds of thousands of animals migrate around the Serengeti and Maasai Mara ecosystem in the constant search for fresh pasture. The location of the rains and as a consequence...
Playful lion cubs have fun with a stick – Serengeti, 2024
Playful lion cubs have fun with a stick. As the pride (two males and six lionesses) rested, these three month old lion cubs entertained themselves by playing with a stick! It was great fun to watch their antics in the Lamai Wedge, Serengeti. They soon became tired of...