
Lioness and hyenas fight over an impala carcass – Maasai Mara, Kenya 2024

Lioness and hyenas fight over an impala carcass. We had witnessed a female Cheetah take down a male Impala. This made a magnificent meal for her and her almost mature male cub. We watched as they had their fill and then wandered off to rest. Within a matter of seconds a Jackal came to scavenge on the carcass and vultures gathered. Then the hyenas arrived making an almighty racket as they did so. As the hyenas started to feast we heard the footsteps of a large animal running behind us. It was a fabulous lioness charging onto the carcass and scaring the hyenas, jackal and vultures away. The lioness settled down to eat what was left of the Impala but more and more hyenas arrived on the scene making their characteristic yipping and wailing sounds. The Jackal joined in by barking. The lioness was not happy with the hyenas and tried to chase them away and in doing so brought down one of the hyenas. The sounds were quite remarkable. The lioness then charged back to the carcass scattering the hyenas, jackals and vultures. However, given the number of hyenas now present, it was their turn to chase off the lioness. Pandemonium and carnage! The lioness was chased away. Now the hyenas could eat and with no time at all there was nothing left of the carcass. The vultures moved in but quickly left the scene as the lioness returned but all that was left was some blood-stained grass. What an epic and very noisy encounter as a lioness and hyenas fight over an impala carcass in Naboisho Conservancy, in the Maasai Mara. Simply breathtaking.