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Off Cape Bird – Ross Island, Antarctica 2018

Off Cape Bird – Ross Island, Antarctica 2018

As we rounded Cape Bird en route to Cape Royd (Shackleton’s hut) and Cape Evans (Scott’s hut) with its large Adelie Penguin colony, we ran into some dense pack ice. The Captain took the Spirit of Enderby gently and skillfully through the ice. We enjoyed the...

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Crabeater Seals lounging on the pack ice – Antarctica 2018

Crabeater Seals lounging on the pack ice – Antarctica 2018

Crabeater Seals lounging on the pack ice. After sailing south for four days, we arrived off Cape Adare early in the morning. The sea was calm and the sun was shining. The ship was surrounded by ice bergs glistening in the bright sunshine. The peaks of Antarctica were...

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Adelie Penguins on ice floes – Antarctica 2018

Adelie Penguins on ice floes – Antarctica 2018

Numerous Adelie Penguins occupied the ice floes: everyone’s idea of the archetypal penguin. After sailing south from Macquarie Island for four days, we arrived off Cape Adare early in the morning. The sea was calm and the sun was shining. The ship was surrounded by...

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Off Cape Adare – Antarctica, 2018

Off Cape Adare – Antarctica, 2018

After sailing south from Macquarie Island for four days, we arrived off Cape Adare early in the morning. The sea was calm and the sun was shining. The ship was surrounded by ice bergs glistening in the bright sunshine. The peaks of Antarctica were visible ahead of us....

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Antarctic Petrel – Antarctica 2018

Antarctic Petrel – Antarctica 2018

The Antarctic Petrel is often gregarious and will form large flocks. They are often seen near the pack ice and icebergs. They have a wing span of abut 1m and weigh 675g. Performs distinctive stiff winged glides.

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Greater Snow Petrel – Antarctica 2018

Greater Snow Petrel – Antarctica 2018

These stocky little birds have a wingspan of about 75-95cm and are very similar to the Lesser Snow Petrel. That feed mostly on fish, crustacea and cephalopods by surface diving, surface seizing and contact dipping. They are monogamous and form long-term pair-bonds.

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A Polar Bear scavenging at the ice edge – Svalbard 2017

A Polar Bear scavenging at the ice edge – Svalbard 2017

A Polar Bear scavenging at the ice edge. Our fifth trip to these amazing Arctic Islands. This was a very special trip: a private charter aboard the M/S Malmo for twenty nights. This gave us the maximum time possible in the pack ice as we searched for Polar Bears. We...

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A Polar Bear plays with a Narwhal’s penis – Svalbard 2017

A Polar Bear plays with a Narwhal’s penis – Svalbard 2017

A Polar Bear plays with a Narwhal's penis. Our fifth trip to these amazing Arctic Islands. This was a very special trip: a private charter aboard the M/S Malmo for twenty nights. This gave us the maximum time possible in the pack ice as we searched for Polar Bears. We...

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Polar Bears with a male Narwhal carcass – Svalbard 2017

Polar Bears with a male Narwhal carcass – Svalbard 2017

Polar Bears with a male Narwhal carcass. Our fifth trip to these amazing Arctic Islands. This was a very special trip: a private charter aboard the M/S Malmo for twenty nights. This gave us the maximum time possible in the pack ice as we searched for Polar Bears. We...

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A Polar Bear with triplet yearlings – Svalbard 2017

A Polar Bear with triplet yearlings – Svalbard 2017

A Polar Bear with triplet yearlings. Our fifth trip to these amazing Arctic Islands. This was a very special trip: a private charter aboard the M/S Malmo for twenty nights. This gave us the maximum time possible in the pack ice as we searched for Polar Bears. We had...

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Triplet Polar Bear yearlings – Svalbard 2017

Triplet Polar Bear yearlings – Svalbard 2017

Triplet Polar Bear yearlings. Our fifth trip to these amazing Arctic Islands. This was a very special trip: a private charter aboard the M/S Malmo for twenty nights. This gave us the maximum time possible in the pack ice as we searched for Polar Bears. We had the most...

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A Walrus haul out – Svalbard 2017

A Walrus haul out – Svalbard 2017

Our fifth trip to these amazing Arctic Islands. This was a very special trip: a private charter aboard the M/S Malmo for twenty nights. This gave us the maximum time possible in the pack ice as we searched for Polar Bears. We had the most amazing encounters. . We also...

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Polar Bears interact over a seal kill – Svalbard 2016

Polar Bears interact over a seal kill – Svalbard 2016

We came across this large male with his seal kill. Then a hungry female came on the scene. There followed a few hours of interesting interactions as he defended his kill and she tried to muscle in. As the fog rolled in, the male left the scene and the hungry female...

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Kittiwakes everywhere – Diskobukta, Svalbard 2016

Kittiwakes everywhere – Diskobukta, Svalbard 2016

This gorge on Svalbard is home to many thousands of Kittiwakes which nest on the sheer cliff faces. The sight of so many birds in such a confined place is quite remarkable. There are thousands of birds on the wing and many more on their nests. It is a remarkable feat...

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