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Grizzly Bear plays with a salmon – Alaska 2023

Grizzly Bear plays with a salmon – Alaska 2023

Grizzly Bear plays with a salmon.  The river and waterfall were flowing nicely in Pavlov (or Pavlof) harbour in South East Alaska and the salmon were plentiful and running. The Grizzly bears were enjoying the feast. This particular bear decided to pay with its food...

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Leopard and her two adorable cubs – Maasai Mara -2023

Leopard and her two adorable cubs – Maasai Mara -2023

Leopard and her two adorable cubs. For much of time in the Maasai Mara, Kenya we had focussed our efforts on this female Leopard. We knew she had two cubs: one male, one female. We wanted to see her with both cubs and this happened just once. She first greeted the...

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Black Leopard relaxes in the shade – Laikipia, Kenya 2023

Black Leopard relaxes in the shade – Laikipia, Kenya 2023

Black Leopard (black panther) relaxes in the shade. It was a very warm afternoon near Laikipa Wilderness Camp, Kenya when we found Giza, a stunning black leopard (black panther) relaxing deep in the undergrowth. Giza, which in Swahili means “darkness” is a most...

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Tiger at the waterhole – India 2023

Tiger at the waterhole – India 2023

Tiger at the waterhole. The morning was getting increasingly hot in Ranthambhore National Park, Rajasthan, India. In these conditions, we were hoping to get a sighting of a Tiger sitting in water. As we turned a corner, there in a waterhole was a magnificent Tiger....

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Langur monkeys – India 2023

Langur monkeys – India 2023

Langur monkeys. Langur monkeys are a common sight in Nagarahole National Park, India. As well as providing alarm calls for the big cats, they deliver endless entertainment with their antics.

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Asian Elephants enjoy a dust bath – India 2023

Asian Elephants enjoy a dust bath – India 2023

Asian Elephants enjoy a dust bath. The heat was oppressive in the early afternoon in Nagarahole National Park in India. This small herd of Asian Elephants were taking advantage of the cool water of a large waterhole. They emerged from the water and we realised that...

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Indian wild dogs (Dhole) on the move – India 2023

Indian wild dogs (Dhole) on the move – India 2023

Indian wild dogs (Dhole) on the move. We came across this pack of Indian wild dogs (Dhole) in India’s Nagarahole National Park. They had just finished drinking at a near by waterhole before setting of with real purpose to hunt. These dogs are a striking colour with a...

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Tiger in a waterhole – Indi 2023

Tiger in a waterhole – Indi 2023

Tiger in a waterhole. In Nagarahole National Park, India the morning was beginning to get rather warm. As we approached a waterhole, we were delighted to find a tiger wallowing in the cool water. The ripples caused by it moving around made for attractive footage. The...

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Indian Leopards in a tree – India 2023

Indian Leopards in a tree – India 2023

Indian Leopards in a tree. It is always great to see leopards moving around high up in a tree. The ease with which they jump from branch to branch is breathtaking. We saw this mating pair of leopards in Nagarahole National park, India. Spotted deer alarm calls had led...

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Asian Elephants near the Kabini River – India 2023

Asian Elephants near the Kabini River – India 2023

Asian Elephants near the Kabini River. Looking out from the edge of the jungle in Nagarahole National Park, India towards the Kabini River we saw this delightful group of Asian Elephants. The light was lovely as we watched the family group with young calves wander...

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A beautiful female Tiger – India 2023

A beautiful female Tiger – India 2023

A beautiful female Tiger. It was a cool morning in Nagarahole National Park, India when we came upon the spectacular female Tiger. Her cubs were close by but not visible. It was a magical sighting as the birds sang and the call of the peacock could be heard in the...

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With the Wolf pack – Finland 2022

With the Wolf pack – Finland 2022

With the Wolf pack.  Our visit to northeast Finland was blessed with a stunning hoar frost which lasted for our entire stay. The resident wolf pack had produced 6 pups in the spring: five males and one female. It was very much a waiting game hoping the wolves would...

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Playful Wolves – Finland 2022

Playful Wolves – Finland 2022

Playful Wolves. Freezing temperatures in North East Finland very close to the Russian border had produced the most impressive hoar frost. This was a magical setting to watch for wolves. The resident wolf pack had produced 6 pups in the spring: five males and one...

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Wonderful wolf: the alpha male – Finland 2021

Wonderful wolf: the alpha male – Finland 2021

Wonderful wolf: the alpha male. A pack of 14 wolves inhabits the taiga forest in north eastern Finland. They are all superb specimens but the alpha male stands out. Once he had joined up with the pack he checked out the area of the meadow just in from if us. What a...

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Wolf pack action – Finland 2021

Wolf pack action – Finland 2021

Wolf pack action. In the taiga forest of northeast Finland members of the 14 strong wolf pack had been wandering about in the meadow in front of us. Suddenly, from the right, the alpha male emerged and ran towards the rest of the pack. The interaction between the pack...

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Brown Bear checks out a reindeer carcass – Finland 2021

Brown Bear checks out a reindeer carcass – Finland 2021

Brown Bear checks out a reindeer carcass. Dusk was getting close and the drizzle had started in the taiga forest of northeast Finland. At this moment a Eurasian Brown Bear emerged from the gloomy forest. It had clearly picked up the scent from the reindeer carcass...

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Wonderful Wolverine in the forest – Finland 2021

Wonderful Wolverine in the forest – Finland 2021

Wonderful Wolverine in the forest. Only a few minutes earlier a Brown Bear had paid a visit to this clearing in the forest which we had been watching for some time. Now a Wolverine appeared in the same clearing. It routed around in the undergrowth, had a good scratch...

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Eurasian Brown Bear deep in the taiga forest – Finland 2021

Eurasian Brown Bear deep in the taiga forest – Finland 2021

Eurasian Brown Bear deep in the taiga forest. It was a very picturesque scene deep in the taiga forest. The colours were vibrant and striking. A perfect setting to see wildlife. We waited a few hours before this Eurasian Brown Bear emerged into the small clearing...

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Common Ravens on the lake shore – Finland 2021

Common Ravens on the lake shore – Finland 2021

Common Ravens on the lake shore. The Taiga forest in northeast Finland is a magical place. Its beautiful silence is often broken by the distinctive call of the Ravens. We often saw them in large flocks and they tended to appear when the large predators were around:...

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Eurasian Brown Bear on a reindeer carcass – Finland 2021

Eurasian Brown Bear on a reindeer carcass – Finland 2021

Eurasian Brown Bear on a reindeer carcass. The Taiga forest in northeast Finland is a very special place. We had spent hours waiting for interesting wildlife encounters. We had seen wolves but in the distance and had one very special sighting of a wolverine. The light...

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Wolverine on a Reindeer carcass – Finland 2021

Wolverine on a Reindeer carcass – Finland 2021

Wolverine on a Reindeer carcass. It was mid afternoon in the Taiga forest in north east Finland very close to the Russian border. As we scanned around for either bears or wolves, we spotted a small, dark animal scurrying amongst the undergrowth. A Wolverine! It...

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Eurasian Wolves in a meadow – Finland 2021

Eurasian Wolves in a meadow – Finland 2021

Eurasian Wolves in a meadow. Eurasian Wolves were at the top of our agenda when we visited the Taiga forest in remote Finland close to the Russian border. We were told there was a pack of 14 in the area. Oh, how we hoped to see them! Remarkably, we had not been in the...

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Eurasian Brown Bear by a lake – Finland 2021

Eurasian Brown Bear by a lake – Finland 2021

Eurasian Brown Bear by a lake. In the Taiga forest near the Russian border in north eastern Finland we had been waiting patiently for several hours to get a sight of a Eurasian Brown Bear (Ursus arctos arctos). Dusk was advancing quickly and our chances of seeing a...

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Crested Black Macaques – Sulawesi, Indonesia, 2019

Crested Black Macaques – Sulawesi, Indonesia, 2019

Crested Black Macaques, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Top of our viewing list on a recent visit to the Tangkoko Reserve in northern Sulawesi, was the critically endangered, Crested Black Macaque. Also known as the Celebes Crested Macaque or the Sulawesi Crested Macaque, this...

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Spectral Tarsiers of Sulawesi – Indonesia, 2019

Spectral Tarsiers of Sulawesi – Indonesia, 2019

Spectral Tarsiers of Sulawesi, Indonesia. These tiny primates are endemic to Sulawesi and a few surrounding islands. Males weigh just 120g and measure 36cm from nose to tail with the tail being 11cm. They have huge round eyes that do not rotate.They are mostly...

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