River estuary

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Eurasian Brown Bear by a lake – Finland 2021

Eurasian Brown Bear by a lake – Finland 2021

Eurasian Brown Bear by a lake. In the Taiga forest near the Russian border in north eastern Finland we had been waiting patiently for several hours to get a sight of a Eurasian Brown Bear (Ursus arctos arctos). Dusk was advancing quickly and our chances of seeing a...

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Jaguar stalking along the river bank – Pantanal, Brazil 2019

Jaguar stalking along the river bank – Pantanal, Brazil 2019

Jaguar stalking along the river bank. This male Jaguar on the Paraquay River in the Northern Pantanal had been resting in the ferocious heat of the late morning. By early afternoon it had become even hotter. The Jaguar roused himself and set off slowly along the river...

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Hawks fishing on the Pixiam River – Pantanal, Brazil 2019

Hawks fishing on the Pixiam River – Pantanal, Brazil 2019

Hawks fishing on the Pixiam River. One of the highlights of a boat trip on the Pixiam River in the Pantanal, Brazil is having the boatsman throw fish for the local birds to swoop down and pick them from the river. Watching Great Black Hawks and Black-collared Hawks...

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Gentoo Penguins at dawn – Antarctica, 2020

Gentoo Penguins at dawn – Antarctica, 2020

Gentoo Penguins at dawn. It was a very early start on Pléneau Island to catch the Gentoo Penguin colony as the sun rose over the mountains and icebergs in the background. Despite the cold, it was well worth the effort. Gentoo Penguins are the third largest of all the...

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Crocodiles kill Wildebeest in the Mara River – Tanzania, 2019

Crocodiles kill Wildebeest in the Mara River – Tanzania, 2019

Crocodiles kill Wildebeest in the Mara River. It’s bonanza time for the Crocodiles of the Mara River, Tanzania when the great migration reaches the river. Hundreds of thousands of Wildebeest will cross the rive in predictable spots. The Crocodiles are waiting. The...

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Bald Eagles and snow – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles and snow – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles and snow. China Poot Bay is an extraordinary place to watch Bald Eagles. We visited there several times during our stay in Homer. We were on a small sand spit that was covered in snow with snow-covered mountains as an amazing backdrop. The eages were very...

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Bald Eagles in the surf – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles in the surf – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles in the surf. These eagles were on the beach, just up from the water line,in Kachemak Bay. Although they are sea eagles, it was strange seeing them wade into the sea to pick up scraps of fish. Their haunting calls rang out across the bay. Female birds weigh...

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Sea Otter and her pup – Alaska 2020

Sea Otter and her pup – Alaska 2020

Sea Otter and her pup. We spent quite some time watching this adorable Sea Otter pup and its mother. They are endearing little creatures. Births occur year round but but peak in May and June. This was filmed in February. Remarkably gestation varies from 4-12 months...

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Sea Otters in ice – Alaska 2020

Sea Otters in ice – Alaska 2020

The Sea Otters in Homer harbour had been having a tough time since the harbour had been packed with ice. As the ice began to disperse, the Sea Otters were more active and easier to watch. They are endearing little creatures. Sea Otters have the densest fur in the...

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Playful Giant River Otters – Pantanal, Brazil 2019

Playful Giant River Otters – Pantanal, Brazil 2019

Giant River Otters. In Brazil's Pantanal, this family group of Giant River Otters were exploring the river bank presumably in search of fish. However, some members of the family decided it was more fun to fool around in the river and on the bank. Fabulous encounter!...

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Giant River Otters feasting – Pantanal, Brazil 2019

Giant River Otters feasting – Pantanal, Brazil 2019

Giant River Otters feasting. We had several very good encounters with Giant River Otters in Brazil's Pantanal. This group were feeding and very succesful they were. The giant river otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is up to 1.7 metres (5.6 ft) long. Unlike other...

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Jaguar close up! – Pantanal, Brazil 2019

Jaguar close up! – Pantanal, Brazil 2019

Jaguar close up! A magnificent male Jaguar (Panthera onca) along the river bank. In Brazil's Pantanal, this huge male Jaguar was prowling along the river bank in search of its favorite prey: Caiman or Capybara. This gave us great views of this wonderful Jagua close up...

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Crested Black Macaques – Sulawesi, Indonesia, 2019

Crested Black Macaques – Sulawesi, Indonesia, 2019

Crested Black Macaques, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Top of our viewing list on a recent visit to the Tangkoko Reserve in northern Sulawesi, was the critically endangered, Crested Black Macaque. Also known as the Celebes Crested Macaque or the Sulawesi Crested Macaque, this...

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Crocodile attack! – Tanzania 2019

Crocodile attack! – Tanzania 2019

Crocodile attack! Hundreds of thousands of Wildebeest from the Maasai Mara were crossing the Mara River in northern Tanzania to reach better pastures in the southern Serengeti. They risk life and limb to do so. They run the gauntlet of huge crocodiles. Here one...

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Spectral Tarsiers of Sulawesi – Indonesia, 2019

Spectral Tarsiers of Sulawesi – Indonesia, 2019

Spectral Tarsiers of Sulawesi, Indonesia. These tiny primates are endemic to Sulawesi and a few surrounding islands. Males weigh just 120g and measure 36cm from nose to tail with the tail being 11cm. They have huge round eyes that do not rotate.They are mostly...

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Black Vultures – Costa Rica 2019

Black Vultures – Costa Rica 2019

The Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus) can be found from the southeastern United States to Central Chile and Uruguay. Black vulture adults stand 64 cm high, weigh 1.8 Kg with a 1.33m wingspan. These were viewed in Costa Rica.

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Yacare Caiman – Pantanal, Brazil 2016

Yacare Caiman – Pantanal, Brazil 2016

The awesome yacare caiman. Only recently was the caiman found in the Pantanal split off from the spectacled caiman and declared a species in its own right - the yacare or yacare caiman. Although one of the small crocodilians, the yacare caiman can reach 3m in length....

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King Vultures – Costa Rica 2019

King Vultures – Costa Rica 2019

The rather quirky King Vulture. King vultures have very distinctive black and white plumage which makes them easy to identify. However, King Vultures are uncommon and difficult to find. At Laguna del Lagarto there is a hide and bait is put out each day. This attracts...

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Three-toed sloth – Costa Rica 2019

Three-toed sloth – Costa Rica 2019

Three-toed sloth. On our recent trip to Costa Rica we searched for sloths. These are quite common animals but very hard to spot since they live mostly in the tree canopy. Their colour makes them appear as a bunch of leaves. This animal put on a great display,...

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Black-mandibled Toucan – Costa Rica 2019

Black-mandibled Toucan – Costa Rica 2019

Black-mandibled Toucan. Toucans are the quintessential birds of the neotropics. The Black-mandibled Toucan is the largest of the Toucans. We saw this magnificent specimen in Costa Rica.

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The  spectacular White-necked Jacobin – Costa Rica 2019

The spectacular White-necked Jacobin – Costa Rica 2019

White-necked Jacobin. Costa Rica enjoys a diverse range of beautiful hummingbirds. Perhaps the most spectacular is the White-necked Jacobin. Its royal blue head is a notable feature. In wet lowland and the foot hills of Costa Rica, these birds are reasonably common....

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Resplendent Quetzal – Costa Rica 2019

Resplendent Quetzal – Costa Rica 2019

The Resplendent Quetzal is resplendent indeed! We watched these Resplendent Quetzals in the Savegre Valley of Costa Rica. They were visiting a wild avocado tree close to a small, gurgling stream. They feed mostly on members of the avocado family The striking males...

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