Maasai Mara

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Lions in the rain – Maasai Mara 2023

Lions in the rain – Maasai Mara 2023

Lions in the rain.  We had experienced some very dramatic storms on our recent visit to Kenya’s Maasai Mara. As we drove around we came across this pride of lions which had just decided to ride out the storm and were getting very wet. There was a lot of head shaking!...

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Playful subadult lions in a tree – Maasai Mara 2023

Playful subadult lions in a tree – Maasai Mara 2023

Playful subadult lions in a tree. In Kenya’s Maasai Mara, there had been a monumental rain and thunderstorm. This pride of lions had been sheltering from the worst of the weather but as soon as it stopped they set off and gathered near this tree. One of the subadults...

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Leopard in a tree with a kill – Maasai Mara 2023

Leopard in a tree with a kill – Maasai Mara 2023

Leopard in a tree with a kill. This one year old leopard cub was feasting on a baby wildebeest carcass high up in a tree. The Maasai Mara, Kenya is a superb place to watch these magnificent cats. The leopard was munching away on the carcass and much of it had been...

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Lion pride after the storm – Maasai Mara 2023

Lion pride after the storm – Maasai Mara 2023

Lion pride after the storm. In Kenya’s Maasai Mara, there had been a monumental rain and thunderstorm. This pride of lions had been sheltering from the worst of the weather but as soon as it stopped some of them wandered out into the open. The sky was dark and there...

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Elephant with her very young calf – Maasai Mara 2023

Elephant with her very young calf – Maasai Mara 2023

Elephant with her very young calf.  We spotted a small herd of elephants in the distance inn Kenya’s Maasai Mara. As we got closer we could see to onside of the herd was a female elephant with a very small calf. The calf stayed close to its mother. It was such joy to...

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Leopard comes down from a tree – Maasai Mara 2023

Leopard comes down from a tree – Maasai Mara 2023

Leopard comes down from a tree. This one year old male leopard cub was spotted high up in a tree in Kenya’s, Maasai Mara. It was clearly keen to come down from the tree but the presence of a couple of hyenas nearby had made it rather nervous. The hyenas moved some...

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Lions fool around in a tree – Maasai Mara 2023

Lions fool around in a tree – Maasai Mara 2023

Lions fool around in a tree. In Kenya’s Maasai Mara, there had been a monumental rain and thunderstorm. This pride of lions had been sheltering from the worst of the weather but as soon as it stopped they set off and gathered near a tree. One of the young cubs climbed...

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A pride of lions on the move – Maasai Mara 2023

A pride of lions on the move – Maasai Mara 2023

A pride of lions on the move. The sun had just risen in Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve as we encountered this pride of lions on the move to their regular shady spot in the croton bushes for the day. The light was lovely with bands of mist and and layers of...

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A fabulous male Leopard goes walkabout – Maasai Mara 2023

A fabulous male Leopard goes walkabout – Maasai Mara 2023

A fabulous male Leopard goes walkabout. In Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve, we had been watching this huge cat for sometime as it relaxed under bush. As the wind began to pick up, the male Leopard got up and set off walking. We tracked him for sometime. He gave a...

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A magnificent male Leopard – Maasai Mara 2023

A magnificent male Leopard – Maasai Mara 2023

A magnificent male Leopard. Finding a relaxed male Leopard is a rare thing. In Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve we found a magnificent male leopard relaxing near the river. Such a powerful big cat! A fabulous encounter!

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Leopard climbs a tree to reach its prey – Maasai Mara 2023

Leopard climbs a tree to reach its prey – Maasai Mara 2023

Leopard climbs a tree to reach its prey. Monkeys alarm calling suggested we were near a Leopard in the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. We found this lovely female cat hiding in the long grass. We could see its prey in a nearby tree. So we positioned ourselves in...

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A very playful Leopard cub – Maasai Mara, 2022

A very playful Leopard cub – Maasai Mara, 2022

A very playful Leopard cub. It was early in the morning in Kenya’s Maasai Mara. A leopard and her 8 month old cub were relaxing beneath a tree where the mother had secured a Wildebeest calf kill. The cub was keen to play but a Hyena appeared on the scene. The mother...

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Cheetah and her cub on a kill – Maasai Mara 2022

Cheetah and her cub on a kill – Maasai Mara 2022

Cheetah and her cub on a kill. A nine month old Cheetah cub had been presented with a huge meal by its mother. Recently, she had killed this female Impala. This Cheetah had had six cubs but five of them had been killed by Hyenas. This was her first litter and her...

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Cheetah and her three cubs on a kill – Maasai Mara 2022

Cheetah and her three cubs on a kill – Maasai Mara 2022

Cheetah and her three cubs on a kill. This Cheetah had taken down a Thompson’s Gazelle and dragged into the shade of an Acacia bush. She had three hungry mouths to feed. So her three very young cubs could feed, she had opened up the rump of the gazelle. The youngsters...

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A Troop of Dwarf Mongoose – Maasai Mara 2022

A Troop of Dwarf Mongoose – Maasai Mara 2022

A Troop of Dwarf Mongoose. A flurry of activity on the top of a termite mound caught our attention. One of Africa’s smallest carnivores were surveying their territory in Kenya’s Maasai Mara. The Dwarf Mongoose is a fascinating animal. They live in troops of normally...

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A Leopard in trees – Maasai Mara 2022

A Leopard in trees – Maasai Mara 2022

A Leopard in trees. It was early morning in Kenya’s Maasai Mara when we found this lovely female leopard relaxing in a tree. Our dreams came true when she decided to climb down the tree and move off. We tracked her for some time as she crossed some open ground taking...

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Cheetah family – Maasai Mara 2022

Cheetah family – Maasai Mara 2022

Cheetah family. In the early morning light of Kenya’s Maasai Mara, we found this cheetah family sitting on a termite mound. This cheetah has three cubs but only two were visible to us. The mother was clearly in hunting mode as she constantly scanned around. There were...

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Elephants enjoy the rain – Maasai Mara 2022

Elephants enjoy the rain – Maasai Mara 2022

Elephants enjoy the rain. After a prolonged dry spell in Kenya’s Maasai Mara the animals all welcomed the downpour that we experienced. This was particularly true for the elephants. They enjoyed drinking from the puddles and taking a well earned mud bath - mud, mud...

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Playful Lion cubs in the rain – Maasai Mara 2022

Playful Lion cubs in the rain – Maasai Mara 2022

Playful Lion cubs in the rain. It had been a particularly dry time in the Maasai Mara and the rains were eagerly awaited by both the animals and us. Rain makes for good and different filming possibilities. We were delighted when we found some of the Lions of the...

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A very young Elephant calf – Maasai Mara 2022

A very young Elephant calf – Maasai Mara 2022

A very young Elephant calf. After a long morning game drive in the Maasai Mara, we came across a small herd of elephants. There was a very young calf with the herd and we spent time trying to get good views of it. As to be expected, it stayed very close to its mother....

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