Ross Island

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Type C Orca checking out the ice edge – Antarctica 2018

Type C Orca checking out the ice edge – Antarctica 2018

A large male Type C Orca checking out the ice edge. We had sailed from the Ross Ice shelf into McMurdo Sound. We visited the historic huts of Scott and Shackleton (outstanding experience!) and then headed to the ice channel created by the icebreaker Polar Star to...

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Ross Ice Shelf – Antarctica, 2018

Ross Ice Shelf – Antarctica, 2018

We arrived in the early morning getting our first glimpse of Ross Island and Mount Terror and soon after the ice shelf could be seen. This was named “The barrier” by the early Antarctic explorers since it represented an impenetrable barrier to their progress. The ice...

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Off Cape Bird – Ross Island, Antarctica 2018

Off Cape Bird – Ross Island, Antarctica 2018

As we rounded Cape Bird en route to Cape Royd (Shackleton’s hut) and Cape Evans (Scott’s hut) with its large Adelie Penguin colony, we ran into some dense pack ice. The Captain took the Spirit of Enderby gently and skillfully through the ice. We enjoyed the...

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