King Penguin

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King Penguins – Salisbury Plain, South Georgia, 2015

King Penguins – Salisbury Plain, South Georgia, 2015

Salisbury Plain on South Georgia is home to 60,000 pairs of King Penguins and their chicks. One never forgets the sight, sound and smell of this enormous penguin colony. With its golden-yellow plumage at the neck and throat, the spectacular King Penguin stands up to...

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King Penguins – St Andrews Bay, South Georgia, 2015

King Penguins – St Andrews Bay, South Georgia, 2015

St Andrews Bay on South Georgia is home to 150,000 pairs of King Penguins and their chicks. One never forgets the sight, sound and smell of this enormous penguin colony. The colony stretches away as far a the eye can see. With its golden-yellow plumage at the neck and...

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King and Royal Penguins – Macquarie Island, Antarctica 2018

King and Royal Penguins – Macquarie Island, Antarctica 2018

Sailing south from The Auckland Islands we were heading to one of the jewels of the Subantarctic Islands: Macquarie Island. Australia’s Macquarie Island is home to a wealth of wildlife which is now flourishing since the eradication of induced species like rabbits,...

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