Two male lions tussle over a Topi carcass. In March it is the start of the rutting season for Topi. They can be so engrossed with the rut that they can accidentally run into lions. This is what probably happened here. The lions seemed to be sharing the spoils until...
Lion cubs pester two lionesses – Maasai Mara 2019
Lion cubs pester two lionesses. This pride of lions was enjoying the early morning sunshine. Nine small cubs pestered the lionesses for milk and tormented them ceaselessly. For the most part the lionesses were very patient. Only on a couple of occasions did they...
Playtime for nine lion cubs – Maasai Mara 2019
Playtime for nine lion cubs. Early one morning we came across three lionesses watching over nine very young lion cubs as they played. The light gradually improved until the scene was lit by glorious early morning light. Play time went on for about one hour when the...
Young lion cubs drinking – Maasai Mara 2019
Young lion cubs drinking. After a hectic few hours of play, these young lion cubs were desperate for a refreshing drink.
Lionesses with very young cubs – Maasai Mara 2019
Lionesses with very young cubs. Early one morning we found these lionesses with several very young cubs, including a tiny one. The light was lovely and the setting magical. It was a joy to watch their antics.
Jackals and hyenas make the most of a zebra kill – Maasai Mara 2019
Jackals and hyenas make the most of a zebra kill. A pride of lions had taken a zebra. Jackals and hyenas waited for the lions to finish. First the jackals made a move but were nervous of the lions. Once the lions had moved away, the jackals and hyenas had a feast. The...
Lions have fun in a tree! – Maasai Mara 2019
Lions have fun in a tree! In the early morning light, these sub-adult lions had been fooling around as they walked along. Then they found a tree. One by one they climbed the tree until they had all had a go before moving off into the shade to do what lions do best -...
Lioness carries very young cubs to a new den – Maasai Mara 2019
Lioness carries very young cubs to a new den. We had watched this magnificent lioness nurse her four cubs just a few days ago in this den. Because Hippos had been fighting in the river just below the den the lioness moved the cubs to a new den. I was able to capture...
Lioness attacks Zebra – Maasai Mara 2019
Lioness attacks Zebra! This Lioness had already tried and failed to take a Zebra as a family group crossed the river. Two members of the Zebra family remained to cross. The Lioness was waiting. She tried and failed again. The Zebra had a lucky escape as did the...
Lioness suckles very young cubs – Maasai Mara 2019
We came upon this amazing scene in The Maasai Mara National Park. A lioness was suckling her very young cubs in a den close to the river bank. The cubs were probably just 7-12 days old and their eyes were barely open.
A lion battles with hyenas – Maasai Mara 2019
We were watching as a pride of lions feasted on a buffalo they had killed during the night. After having their fill they gradually wandered off to sleep in the shade. One sub-adult male hung back and tried to protect the kill from a large pack of hyenas. He managed to...