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Lions have fun in a tree! – Maasai Mara 2019

Lions have fun in a tree! – Maasai Mara 2019

Lions have fun in a tree! In the early morning light, these sub-adult lions had been fooling around as they walked along. Then they found a tree. One by one they climbed the tree until they had all had a go before moving off into the shade to do what lions do best -...

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Lioness attacks Zebra – Maasai Mara 2019

Lioness attacks Zebra – Maasai Mara 2019

Lioness attacks Zebra! This Lioness had already tried and failed to take a Zebra as a family group crossed the river. Two members of the Zebra family remained to cross. The Lioness was waiting. She tried and failed again. The Zebra had a lucky escape as did the...

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A lion battles with hyenas – Maasai Mara 2019

A lion battles with hyenas – Maasai Mara 2019

We were watching as a pride of lions feasted on a buffalo they had killed during the night. After having their fill they gradually wandered off to sleep in the shade. One sub-adult male hung back and tried to protect the kill from a large pack of hyenas. He managed to...

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