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Playful Gentoo Penguins – Antarctica 2020

Playful Gentoo Penguins – Antarctica 2020

Playful Gentoo Penguins. There is a large Gentoo Penguin colony on Cuverville Island on the Antarctic Peninsula. It is both noisy and very smelly. But these are amazing penguins. Behind me was the colony and many penguins were making their way down to the sea. I...

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Penguin punch-up! – Antarctica 2020

Penguin punch-up! – Antarctica 2020

Penguin punch-up! All had been quiet at this Adelie Penguin colony on Yalour Islands on the Antarctic Peninsular. Chicks had been fed, parent pairs were displaying when all hell broke loose. A huge squabble broke out for no obvious reason and went on for several...

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Rockhopper Penguins in the surf – Falkland Islands, 2016

Rockhopper Penguins in the surf – Falkland Islands, 2016

We saw Rockhopper Penguins at several sites we visited in the Falkland Islands. This group were filmed on Saunders Island. It was remarkable watching them deal comfortably with the heavy surf. Whilst at times ungainly on land, however they have no trouble hopping up...

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