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With the Wolf pack – Finland 2022

With the Wolf pack – Finland 2022

With the Wolf pack.  Our visit to northeast Finland was blessed with a stunning hoar frost which lasted for our entire stay. The resident wolf pack had produced 6 pups in the spring: five males and one female. It was very much a waiting game hoping the wolves would...

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Common Ravens on the lake shore – Finland 2021

Common Ravens on the lake shore – Finland 2021

Common Ravens on the lake shore. The Taiga forest in northeast Finland is a magical place. Its beautiful silence is often broken by the distinctive call of the Ravens. We often saw them in large flocks and they tended to appear when the large predators were around:...

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Coyote enjoys a feast in the snow – Yellowstone 2019

Coyote enjoys a feast in the snow – Yellowstone 2019

Coyote enjoys a feast in the snow. It was a cold, windy and snowy day in Yellowstone. This coyote had found the carcass of a trumpeter swan and was frantically digging it out of the snow. It was a good meal in this harsh environment. Two ravens looked on and grabbed a...

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Red Fox on a Bison carcass – Yellowstone 2019

Red Fox on a Bison carcass – Yellowstone 2019

This Bison carcass was providing welcome food for several animals. This Red Fox was enjoying the feast but was constantly having to chase away the Ravens which were also taking full advantage of an easy meal. Yellowstone's Red Fox is is the Rocky Mountain Red Fox...

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