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Walrus – Svalbard 2019

Walrus – Svalbard 2019

The mighty icon of the Arctic. This Walrus haul out was on Amsterdamoya. The Walrus were not very active but the setting was lovely and various birds did fly bys.

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The mighty Walrus on ice – Svalbard 2019

The mighty Walrus on ice – Svalbard 2019

The mighty Walrus on ice. It is always special to see Walrus hauled out on ice floes. It was comical to see the youngster rubbing itself on the ice. In the second clip blood can be seen running down the tusk of the mother. It was unclear what had caused the damage but...

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Three Polar Bears near a Walrus Carcass – Wrangel Island 2018

Three Polar Bears near a Walrus Carcass – Wrangel Island 2018

Close to Wrangel island, we came upon three Polar Bears near a Walrus Carcass.  This was the third Walrus kill we had seen. Surprisingly we had seen few seals so the bears had had to resort to taking young Walrus. The Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) is the iconic species...

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Walrus in the mist – Wrangel 2018

Walrus in the mist – Wrangel 2018

These animals were very relaxed. The Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) is the largest of all the Arctic pinnipeds and the the only larger pinnipeds are the Elephant Seals. Here in the Bering sea, the Pacific subspecies O.r.divergens have longer tusks, up to 100cm (in males),...

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A Walrus haul out – Svalbard 2017

A Walrus haul out – Svalbard 2017

Our fifth trip to these amazing Arctic Islands. This was a very special trip: a private charter aboard the M/S Malmo for twenty nights. This gave us the maximum time possible in the pack ice as we searched for Polar Bears. We had the most amazing encounters. . We also...

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