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Wolf Pack – Finland, 2022

Wolf Pack – Finland, 2022

Wolf Pack. Close to the Russian border in northeast Finland, there had been the most impressive hoar frost. The frost had covered almost every bit of foliage and the entire scene was a magical winter wonderland. The resident wolf pack had produced 6 pups in the...

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Wolf in the hoar frost – Finland 2022

Wolf in the hoar frost – Finland 2022

Wolf in the hoar frost. As we waited in north east Finland just a few kilometres from the Russian border, a Wolf emerged from the forest edge and made its way through some dense foliage which was covered in deep hoar frost The whiteness of the frost seemed to make the...

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With the Wolf pack – Finland 2022

With the Wolf pack – Finland 2022

With the Wolf pack.  Our visit to northeast Finland was blessed with a stunning hoar frost which lasted for our entire stay. The resident wolf pack had produced 6 pups in the spring: five males and one female. It was very much a waiting game hoping the wolves would...

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Wolves in a winter wonderland – Finland 2022

Wolves in a winter wonderland – Finland 2022

Wolves in a winter wonderland. In north east Finland the hoar frost was magical and as the sun began to set the sky took on some lovely colour. At this moment two wolves made their way across the frozen meadow and headed into the forest. Whilst the action was limited...

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Playful Wolves – Finland 2022

Playful Wolves – Finland 2022

Playful Wolves. Freezing temperatures in North East Finland very close to the Russian border had produced the most impressive hoar frost. This was a magical setting to watch for wolves. The resident wolf pack had produced 6 pups in the spring: five males and one...

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Wonderful wolf: the alpha male – Finland 2021

Wonderful wolf: the alpha male – Finland 2021

Wonderful wolf: the alpha male. A pack of 14 wolves inhabits the taiga forest in north eastern Finland. They are all superb specimens but the alpha male stands out. Once he had joined up with the pack he checked out the area of the meadow just in from if us. What a...

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Wolf pack action – Finland 2021

Wolf pack action – Finland 2021

Wolf pack action. In the taiga forest of northeast Finland members of the 14 strong wolf pack had been wandering about in the meadow in front of us. Suddenly, from the right, the alpha male emerged and ran towards the rest of the pack. The interaction between the pack...

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Eurasian Wolves in a meadow – Finland 2021

Eurasian Wolves in a meadow – Finland 2021

Eurasian Wolves in a meadow. Eurasian Wolves were at the top of our agenda when we visited the Taiga forest in remote Finland close to the Russian border. We were told there was a pack of 14 in the area. Oh, how we hoped to see them! Remarkably, we had not been in the...

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Coastal Gray Wolf, Geographic Harbor, Katmai – Alaska 2018

Coastal Gray Wolf, Geographic Harbor, Katmai – Alaska 2018

Whilst our main focus on this trip to Katmai National Park was to observe and film Brown Bears, there was always the hope of a close encounter with wolves. This beautiful Coastal Gray Wolf paid us a surprise visit whilst we were in Geographic Harbor. Canis lupis, the...

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A magnificent Coastal Wolf – Geographic Harbour, Alaska 2016

A magnificent Coastal Wolf – Geographic Harbour, Alaska 2016

We had been sitting quietly waiting for a Brown Bear with two young cubs to emerge from their den. Suddenly in front of was this spectacular Coastal Wolf. It ran towards us, passing just a few metres away, then returned equally close with a salmon in its mouth. It...

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