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Polar bear on a seal kill – Svalbard 2016

Polar bear on a seal kill – Svalbard 2016

This male polar bear looked well fed after consuming most of the seal kill. It is interesting to seeing the bear eat blood-soaked ice. The digestive after effects of eating seal meat becomes obvious.

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Yacare Caiman – Pantanal, Brazil 2016

Yacare Caiman – Pantanal, Brazil 2016

The awesome yacare caiman. Only recently was the caiman found in the Pantanal split off from the spectacled caiman and declared a species in its own right - the yacare or yacare caiman. Although one of the small crocodilians, the yacare caiman can reach 3m in length....

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Giant anteaters  – Pantanal, Brazil 2016

Giant anteaters – Pantanal, Brazil 2016

Bizarre yet beautiful giant anteaters. These are always are delight to see in the Pantanal, Brazil. These large animals are 2.5m long from tail to snout and can weig more than 30kgs. Their remarkable tail is used to provide cover when sleeping and shade on hot days....

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Black-browed Albatross – Falkland Islands, 2016

Black-browed Albatross – Falkland Islands, 2016

We spent a full day around this huge colony of Black-browed Albatross on Steeple Jason on the Falkland Islands. The colony stretches for 5 kilometers along the coast and is some 200m wide. It contains about 100,000 breeding pairs. We got to see the full spectrum of...

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Rockhopper Penguins in the surf – Falkland Islands, 2016

Rockhopper Penguins in the surf – Falkland Islands, 2016

We saw Rockhopper Penguins at several sites we visited in the Falkland Islands. This group were filmed on Saunders Island. It was remarkable watching them deal comfortably with the heavy surf. Whilst at times ungainly on land, however they have no trouble hopping up...

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Coastal Brown Bear with cubs – Alaska 2016

Coastal Brown Bear with cubs – Alaska 2016

Geographic harbor was an amazing place to view Brown Bears. Sitting quietly, the bears came close and were oblivious of us. Of course, our very experienced guide, Drew Hamilton, was with us at all times and controlled the encounter. Watching the mother-cub interaction...

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Coastal Brown Bear with cubs of the year – Alaska 2016

Coastal Brown Bear with cubs of the year – Alaska 2016

Geographic Harbor, Katmai was an amazing place to view Brown Bears. Sitting quietly, the bears came close and were oblivious of us. Of course, our very experienced guide, Drew Hamilton, was with us at all times and controlled the encounter. Watching the mother-cub...

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Noisy Red and Green Macaws – Buraca des Araras, Brazil 2016

Noisy Red and Green Macaws – Buraca des Araras, Brazil 2016

This sink hole in the Southern Pantanal is one of the most incredible geological features I've seen. Once the grave of assorted criminal gang members and other unfortunates,  the sink hole has been restored to its natural glory and is now home to the impressive and...

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Fast moving Dall’s Porpoise – Alaska 2016

Fast moving Dall’s Porpoise – Alaska 2016

We were sailing along Chatham Strait when some Dall’s Porpoises came towards us. As we picked up speed, they began  to ride the bow wave. They are unbelievably fast (this film shows them in slow motion). We could see them quite clearly as they swam under the bow and...

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Humpback Whales – Alaska 2016

Humpback Whales – Alaska 2016

Humpback Whales. We spent quite some time with this group of Humpback Whales. The blows stood out nicely against the dark trees and the sounds of their blows echoed around us. Magical!

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A magnificent Coastal Wolf – Geographic Harbour, Alaska 2016

A magnificent Coastal Wolf – Geographic Harbour, Alaska 2016

We had been sitting quietly waiting for a Brown Bear with two young cubs to emerge from their den. Suddenly in front of was this spectacular Coastal Wolf. It ran towards us, passing just a few metres away, then returned equally close with a salmon in its mouth. It...

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