
Big male Black Rhino – Laikipia’s Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Kenya 2024

Big male Black Rhino. In the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya’s Laikipia County we came across this huge Black Rhino. This male, with his impressive horns, was sharpening his horn on a tree trunk. He was very relaxed. He slowly moved away and parked himself in a bush and stood there for a very long time. Oxpeckers darted around him clearing ticks and insects from his ears. Thinking he would stay in this position for most of the day, we left him in peace. What a fabulous big male Black Rhino!

The Ol Pejeta Conservancy does an incredible job in conserving and protecting these wonderful animals that are so often persecuted and poached for their horns which clearly have no magical health-giving properties despite the huge demand from uneducated people. It is so important to secure the future of these impressive animals.