
Black Leopard with her kill – Laikipia, Kenya 2023

Black Leopard with her kill. The alarm calls of Guinea Fowl alerted us to the presence of a leopard. We were delighted to find that it was Giza, the famous Black Leopard (Black Panther) around Laikipia Wilderness Camp, Kenya. We got glimpses of her as she approached. Suddenly she dived into a bush. There was a squeal and she emerged with a young Dik-dik. Dik-diks are her favourite prey and she may take three each night. We watched as she carried the unfortunate creature away. To our delight she took her meal up a tree and within 10 minutes it had been devoured. After some grooming, she then came down the tree and continued with her night’s hunting. The light was failing as we headed back to camp. We had been thrilled to watch this Black Leopard with her prey. A superb encounter – the best of our trip.