Lion cubs just love to have fun. These very young lion cubs were full of energy, in Kenya’s Maasai Mara. The rest of the pride were a short distance away and doing what lions do best - laze around and sleep. Not these cubs. They were charging around, climbing trees...
Black Leopard with her kill – Laikipia, Kenya 2023
Black Leopard with her kill. The alarm calls of Guinea Fowl alerted us to the presence of a leopard. We were delighted to find that it was Giza, the famous Black Leopard (Black Panther) around Laikipia Wilderness Camp, Kenya. We got glimpses of her as she approached....
Black Leopard surveys her territory – Laikipia, Kenya 2023
Black Leopard surveys her territory. The day was drawing to a close near Laikipia Wilderness Camp, Kenya as we searched for Giza, the now famous Black Leopard of the area. Giza, which in Swahili means “darkness” is a most appropriate name for a black leopard. We had...
Black Leopard relaxes in the shade – Laikipia, Kenya 2023
Black Leopard (black panther) relaxes in the shade. It was a very warm afternoon near Laikipa Wilderness Camp, Kenya when we found Giza, a stunning black leopard (black panther) relaxing deep in the undergrowth. Giza, which in Swahili means “darkness” is a most...
Tiger with a Sambar kill – India 2023
Tiger with a Sambar kill. As we drove around Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan, India we heard the unmistakable alarm call of a Sambar. We headed off in the direction of the alarm call to find this Tiger had taken down a female Samba on the valley floor below us....
Stunning Back leopard – Laikipia, Kenya 2023
Stunning Back leopard. This female black leopard goes by the name of Giza, which in Swahili means “darkness”. A most appropriate name! We saw this black leopard or black panther whilst staying at Laikipia Wilderness Camp, Kenya. It was late in the afternoon a she was...
A wonderful black leopard (or black panther) – Laikipia, Kenya 2023
A wonderful black leopard (or black panther). Leopards are fabulous big cats but finding a melanistic or black leopard is simply sensational. We were very fortunate to see this black leopard or black panther whilst staying at Laikipia Wilderness Camp, Kenya. This...
Lions in the rain – Maasai Mara 2023
Lions in the rain. We had experienced some very dramatic storms on our recent visit to Kenya’s Maasai Mara. As we drove around we came across this pride of lions which had just decided to ride out the storm and were getting very wet. There was a lot of head shaking!...
Playful subadult lions in a tree – Maasai Mara 2023
Playful subadult lions in a tree. In Kenya’s Maasai Mara, there had been a monumental rain and thunderstorm. This pride of lions had been sheltering from the worst of the weather but as soon as it stopped they set off and gathered near this tree. One of the subadults...
Leopard in a tree with a kill – Maasai Mara 2023
Leopard in a tree with a kill. This one year old leopard cub was feasting on a baby wildebeest carcass high up in a tree. The Maasai Mara, Kenya is a superb place to watch these magnificent cats. The leopard was munching away on the carcass and much of it had been...
Lion pride after the storm – Maasai Mara 2023
Lion pride after the storm. In Kenya’s Maasai Mara, there had been a monumental rain and thunderstorm. This pride of lions had been sheltering from the worst of the weather but as soon as it stopped some of them wandered out into the open. The sky was dark and there...
Leopard comes down from a tree – Maasai Mara 2023
Leopard comes down from a tree. This one year old male leopard cub was spotted high up in a tree in Kenya’s, Maasai Mara. It was clearly keen to come down from the tree but the presence of a couple of hyenas nearby had made it rather nervous. The hyenas moved some...
Lions fool around in a tree – Maasai Mara 2023
Lions fool around in a tree. In Kenya’s Maasai Mara, there had been a monumental rain and thunderstorm. This pride of lions had been sheltering from the worst of the weather but as soon as it stopped they set off and gathered near a tree. One of the young cubs climbed...
Tiger at the waterhole – India 2023
Tiger at the waterhole. The morning was getting increasingly hot in Ranthambhore National Park, Rajasthan, India. In these conditions, we were hoping to get a sighting of a Tiger sitting in water. As we turned a corner, there in a waterhole was a magnificent Tiger....
Tiger in a waterhole – Indi 2023
Tiger in a waterhole. In Nagarahole National Park, India the morning was beginning to get rather warm. As we approached a waterhole, we were delighted to find a tiger wallowing in the cool water. The ripples caused by it moving around made for attractive footage. The...
Indian Leopards in a tree – India 2023
Indian Leopards in a tree. It is always great to see leopards moving around high up in a tree. The ease with which they jump from branch to branch is breathtaking. We saw this mating pair of leopards in Nagarahole National park, India. Spotted deer alarm calls had led...
A beautiful female Tiger – India 2023
A beautiful female Tiger. It was a cool morning in Nagarahole National Park, India when we came upon the spectacular female Tiger. Her cubs were close by but not visible. It was a magical sighting as the birds sang and the call of the peacock could be heard in the...
A pride of lions on the move – Maasai Mara 2023
A pride of lions on the move. The sun had just risen in Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve as we encountered this pride of lions on the move to their regular shady spot in the croton bushes for the day. The light was lovely with bands of mist and and layers of...
A fabulous male Leopard goes walkabout – Maasai Mara 2023
A fabulous male Leopard goes walkabout. In Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve, we had been watching this huge cat for sometime as it relaxed under bush. As the wind began to pick up, the male Leopard got up and set off walking. We tracked him for sometime. He gave a...
A magnificent male Leopard – Maasai Mara 2023
A magnificent male Leopard. Finding a relaxed male Leopard is a rare thing. In Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve we found a magnificent male leopard relaxing near the river. Such a powerful big cat! A fabulous encounter!