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Bald Eagles at sunset – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles at sunset – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles at sunset. As the sunset in China Poot Cove of Kachemak Bay, the Bald Eagles were still active in their search for fish. The light was lovely and the eagles made an impressive sight against the evening sky. The snow-covered mountains in the distance just...

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Bald Eagles fishing – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles fishing – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles fishing. Bald Eagles are sea eagles and very adept at plucking fish from the sea. Bald Eagles subsist mainly on fish which they catch by swooping down and snatching from the water with their massive talons. Remarkably, they are able to take whole salmon...

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Bald Eagles on icy rocks – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles on icy rocks – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles: power and beauty. Bald Eagles on the shore of Peterson Bay across Kachemak Bay from Homer, Alaska. The ice covered rocks and icicles made for a beautiful setting to watch these magnificent birds. Female birds weigh on average 5.3kg whilst males weigh in...

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Brown Bears at sunrise – Alaska 2018

Brown Bears at sunrise – Alaska 2018

We were up early at Silver Salmon Creek to watch the sun rise over the mountains of the Kenai Peninsular to the east. The colours were breathtaking and made the perfect backdrop for the bears and the many gulls that are found on the seashore. One gets a real sense of...

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Yearling Brown Bear cub has a good scratch – Alaska 2018

Yearling Brown Bear cub has a good scratch – Alaska 2018

We called this yearling Brown Bear cub, Goofball. He would spend all his time just messing around whilst his mother did all the hard work. We watched with delight as he rolled around having a damned good scratch. Silver Salmon Creek, Lake Clark was a great place to...

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Brown Bear fishing at Missak – Alaska 2018

Brown Bear fishing at Missak – Alaska 2018

As I sat on the river bank at Missak, Katmai, a large male Brown Bear emerged from the sedge. At first he was a little wary but within a few minutes he relaxed and spent a considerable amount of time fishing in front of me. Sometimes the fish eluded him but for the...

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Brown Bears, Kukak Bay, Katmai  – Alaska 2018

Brown Bears, Kukak Bay, Katmai – Alaska 2018

With snow-covered mountains as a backdrop, the braided river system at Kukak Bay is wide with many channels where bears can fish. The running salmon had brought in several bears and to watch them in this expansive environment was very special. The Brown Bear (Ursus...

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Brown Bear, Geographic Harbour, Katmai – Alaska 2018

Brown Bear, Geographic Harbour, Katmai – Alaska 2018

We spent several days at Geographic Harbor, Katmai, Alaska watching numerous Coastal brown Bears feasting on the plentiful salmon. Sitting quietly, the bears came close and were oblivious of us. We were intrigued by this bear's approach to fishing. It spent most the...

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Coastal Gray Wolf, Geographic Harbor, Katmai – Alaska 2018

Coastal Gray Wolf, Geographic Harbor, Katmai – Alaska 2018

Whilst our main focus on this trip to Katmai National Park was to observe and film Brown Bears, there was always the hope of a close encounter with wolves. This beautiful Coastal Gray Wolf paid us a surprise visit whilst we were in Geographic Harbor. Canis lupis, the...

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Brown Bear with triplet cubs of the year  – Alaska 2018

Brown Bear with triplet cubs of the year – Alaska 2018

Our time by the river at Kinak, Katmai provided us with this wonderful encounter with a Brown Bear and her three gorgeous cubs of the year. The mother was an excellent provider of fish for her cubs. There were other bears in the vicinity so the mother was constant...

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Coastal Brown Bear with cubs – Alaska 2016

Coastal Brown Bear with cubs – Alaska 2016

Geographic harbor was an amazing place to view Brown Bears. Sitting quietly, the bears came close and were oblivious of us. Of course, our very experienced guide, Drew Hamilton, was with us at all times and controlled the encounter. Watching the mother-cub interaction...

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Coastal Brown Bear with cubs of the year – Alaska 2016

Coastal Brown Bear with cubs of the year – Alaska 2016

Geographic Harbor, Katmai was an amazing place to view Brown Bears. Sitting quietly, the bears came close and were oblivious of us. Of course, our very experienced guide, Drew Hamilton, was with us at all times and controlled the encounter. Watching the mother-cub...

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Fast moving Dall’s Porpoise – Alaska 2016

Fast moving Dall’s Porpoise – Alaska 2016

We were sailing along Chatham Strait when some Dall’s Porpoises came towards us. As we picked up speed, they began  to ride the bow wave. They are unbelievably fast (this film shows them in slow motion). We could see them quite clearly as they swam under the bow and...

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Humpback Whales – Alaska 2016

Humpback Whales – Alaska 2016

Humpback Whales. We spent quite some time with this group of Humpback Whales. The blows stood out nicely against the dark trees and the sounds of their blows echoed around us. Magical!

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A magnificent Coastal Wolf – Geographic Harbour, Alaska 2016

A magnificent Coastal Wolf – Geographic Harbour, Alaska 2016

We had been sitting quietly waiting for a Brown Bear with two young cubs to emerge from their den. Suddenly in front of was this spectacular Coastal Wolf. It ran towards us, passing just a few metres away, then returned equally close with a salmon in its mouth. It...

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