Maasai Mara

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Cheetah grooms her four month old cubs  – Maasai Mara 2024

Cheetah grooms her four month old cubs – Maasai Mara 2024

Cheetah grooms her four month old cubs.  After a chilly start in the Naboisho Conservancy, Maasai Mara, Kenya, this cheatah family had warmed up enough so her four, four month old cubs could enjoy some grooming. After a big yawn, the mother was able to groom herself....

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Cheetah with four, four month old cubs – Maasai Mara 2024

Cheetah with four, four month old cubs – Maasai Mara 2024

Cheetah with four, four month old cubs. It was a very chilly and rather damp morning in the Naboisho Conservancy, Maasai Mara, Kenya when we found this cheetah family huddling together to keep warm and dry. This was the first litter for this young cheetah. She had had...

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Roaring lioness – Maasai Mara 2024

Roaring lioness – Maasai Mara 2024

Roaring lioness.  In the Naboisho Conservancy, Maasai Mara, Kenya, we found a pride of lions shortly after some heavy rain. The pride was scattered over quite a large area and this lioness was lying on her own in the open. As we watched she started to roar making...

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Magnificent male lion in the rain – Maasai Mara 2024

Magnificent male lion in the rain – Maasai Mara 2024

Magnificent male lion in the rain. It had been raining hard in Naboisho Conservancy, Maasai Mara, Kenya. In the late evening we came across this male lion sitting in the open and looking rather miserable as the rain tumbled down. A head shake removed a lot of the...

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Leopard and her two adorable cubs – Maasai Mara -2023

Leopard and her two adorable cubs – Maasai Mara -2023

Leopard and her two adorable cubs. For much of time in the Maasai Mara, Kenya we had focussed our efforts on this female Leopard. We knew she had two cubs: one male, one female. We wanted to see her with both cubs and this happened just once. She first greeted the...

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Hyenas on an Impala calf kill – Maasai Mara 2023

Hyenas on an Impala calf kill – Maasai Mara 2023

Hyenas on an Impala calf kill. In Kenya’s Maasai Mara, we could see hyenas running around in the distance. It looked they were making or had just made a kill. As we got closer it was evident that they had taken a young Impala calf. As is usual with hyenas, there is...

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A Leopard Calls for her cubs – Maasai Mara 2023

A Leopard Calls for her cubs – Maasai Mara 2023

A Leopard Calls for her cubs. We had been following this Leopard for some time in Kenya’s Maasai Mara. We knew she had two cubs and we were very keen to see her with the cubs. We were very excited when she started to call for the cubs. We waited but unfortunately the...

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Lion cub plays with juvenile Lion – Maasai Mara 2023

Lion cub plays with juvenile Lion – Maasai Mara 2023

Lion cub plays with juvenile Lion. It was lovely to watch a Lion cub playing with a juvenile Lion in Kenya’s Maasai Mara. Whilst there was a lot of growling, the play seemed gentle. The rest of the pride was relaxing and rather indifferent to the play going on. A very...

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Juvenile Lions at play – Maasai Mara 2023

Juvenile Lions at play – Maasai Mara 2023

Juvenile Lions at play. A pride of Lions were resting in Kenya’s Maasai Mara. Some of the cubs were active but then these two juveniles began to play. The adults were a little distance away and paid no attention what so ever. The growling of the lions as they played...

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Giraffe at Sunrise – Maasai Mara 2023

Giraffe at Sunrise – Maasai Mara 2023

Giraffe at Sunrise. In Kenya’s Maasai Mara, the sunrises can be very impressive. This particular morning the sky was glorious and we found this Giraffe just waking up for the day. The dawn chorus was just picking up as the giraffe was silhouetted against the sky. A...

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With a pride of lions – Maasai Mara 2023

With a pride of lions – Maasai Mara 2023

With a pride of lions. In Kenya’s Maasai Mara it was very special to come across this pride of lions out in the open. The wider shot allowed me not only to capture the lion and cub acton but to set this in the broader environment of the Mara. The Lion cubs playing...

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A lovely Leopard does some grooming – Maasai Mara 2023

A lovely Leopard does some grooming – Maasai Mara 2023

A lovely Leopard does some grooming. The rain had finally stopped falling in Kenya’s Maasai Mara when we spotted this female Leopard sitting by some croton bushes. She was very relaxed - just looking around and grooming. We watched for sometime before she fell asleep...

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Cheetah and a rainbow – Maasai Mara 2023

Cheetah and a rainbow – Maasai Mara 2023

Cheetah and a rainbow. Early in the morning in Kenya’s Maasai Mara the clouds had been threatening rain and indeed we had a light shower. As we scanned around we spotted a female Cheetah sitting on a termite mound on the look out for prey. There were impala, and...

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Lion cubs playtime as the thunder rumbles – Maasai Mara 2023

Lion cubs playtime as the thunder rumbles – Maasai Mara 2023

Lion cubs playtime as the thunder rumbles. As the afternoon drew to a close we found a pride of lions in Kenya’s Maasai Mara. As we looked around we could see the storm clouds gathering. Thunder and lightening were getting closer but this did not deter these lion cubs...

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Two Cheetah brothers in the rain – Maasai Mara 2023

Two Cheetah brothers in the rain – Maasai Mara 2023

Two Cheetah brothers in the rain. In Kenya’s Maasai Mara, the afternoon often brought a spectacular storm. The rain began to fall when we found these two Cheetah brothers lying in the open. They were relaxed and did not seem to be bothered by the rain. After watching...

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Hyenas on a Wildebeest kill – Maasai Mara 2023

Hyenas on a Wildebeest kill – Maasai Mara 2023

Hyenas on a Wildebeest kill. We got notice that a clan of hyenas had taken down an adult Wildebeest in Kenya’s Maasai Mara. In the few minutes it took us to reach the site, these amazing animals had almost eaten the entire carcass. It is remarkable to hear the hyenas...

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Lion cubs just love to have fun – Maasai Mara 2023

Lion cubs just love to have fun – Maasai Mara 2023

Lion cubs just love to have fun. These very young lion cubs were full of energy, in Kenya’s Maasai Mara. The rest of the pride were a short distance away and doing what lions do best - laze around and sleep. Not these cubs. They were charging around, climbing trees...

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