Yalour island

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Adelie penguins and their chicks – Antarctica, 2020

Adelie penguins and their chicks – Antarctica, 2020

Adelie penguins and their chicks. The Adelie Penguin colonies on the Yalour Islands in Antarctica were a hive of activity. Birds were coming and going from the colonies with food for the chicks. Some were sitting on eggs, some had very young chicks and others were...

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Adelie Penguins in the snow – Antarctica, 2020

Adelie Penguins in the snow – Antarctica, 2020

Adelie Penguins in the snow. The Adelie penguins in the colonies on Yalour Islands can be filthy. In this film they are returning from a fishing expedition and so are nice and clean. They are making their way from the sea across the snow to the colonies perched high...

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Penguin punch-up! – Antarctica 2020

Penguin punch-up! – Antarctica 2020

Penguin punch-up! All had been quiet at this Adelie Penguin colony on Yalour Islands on the Antarctic Peninsular. Chicks had been fed, parent pairs were displaying when all hell broke loose. A huge squabble broke out for no obvious reason and went on for several...

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