Brown Bear cubs

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Yearling Brown Bear cub has a good scratch – Alaska 2018

Yearling Brown Bear cub has a good scratch – Alaska 2018

We called this yearling Brown Bear cub, Goofball. He would spend all his time just messing around whilst his mother did all the hard work. We watched with delight as he rolled around having a damned good scratch. Silver Salmon Creek, Lake Clark was a great place to...

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Brown Bear with triplet cubs of the year  – Alaska 2018

Brown Bear with triplet cubs of the year – Alaska 2018

Our time by the river at Kinak, Katmai provided us with this wonderful encounter with a Brown Bear and her three gorgeous cubs of the year. The mother was an excellent provider of fish for her cubs. There were other bears in the vicinity so the mother was constant...

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Coastal Brown Bear with cubs – Alaska 2016

Coastal Brown Bear with cubs – Alaska 2016

Geographic harbor was an amazing place to view Brown Bears. Sitting quietly, the bears came close and were oblivious of us. Of course, our very experienced guide, Drew Hamilton, was with us at all times and controlled the encounter. Watching the mother-cub interaction...

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