wild dog

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Playtime for African Wild Dog puppies – Botswana 2023

Playtime for African Wild Dog puppies – Botswana 2023

Playtime for African Wild Dog puppies. This Pack of African Wild dogs had been resting near a termite mound in Botswana’s Okavango Delta. As the heat of the day dissipated, the puppies got very active whilst the still hot and tired adults watched on. Their antics...

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African Wild Dogs enjoy a drink at dusk – Botswana 2023

African Wild Dogs enjoy a drink at dusk – Botswana 2023

African Wild Dogs enjoy a drink at dusk. This Pack of African Wild dogs had been resting near a termite mound in Botswana’s Okavango Delta. As the heat of the day dissipated, the whole pack set off in search of water before they spent the evening hunting. They...

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Indian wild dogs (Dhole) on the move – India 2023

Indian wild dogs (Dhole) on the move – India 2023

Indian wild dogs (Dhole) on the move. We came across this pack of Indian wild dogs (Dhole) in India’s Nagarahole National Park. They had just finished drinking at a near by waterhole before setting of with real purpose to hunt. These dogs are a striking colour with a...

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