
African Wild dogs take down an Impala – Botswana 2023

WARNING: the opening sequences contain some disturbing images and sounds!

African Wild dogs take down an Impala. We had been following this pack of African Wild Dogs in Botswana for some time. We first found them as they relaxed in the heat of the day around a termite mound. They moved off to drink before setting off to hunt. We followed as they trotted along. Suddenly they set off at a pace and we could see a herd of Impala some distance away. We saw a couple of dogs take down the unfortunate Impala and by the time we reached the site, more dogs had arrived and they made short work of eating most of it. Then all the puppies arrived with loud vocalisations and had their fill. A quite remarkabl and noisy but disturbing encounter. Nature red in tooth and claw