Our circumnavigation of these Islands gave us a chance to see many species. These Southern Elephant Seals put on a nice display against an impressive backdrop.
Southern Elephant Seals – Falkland Islands, 2016
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Our circumnavigation of these Islands gave us a chance to see many species. These Southern Elephant Seals put on a nice display against an impressive backdrop.
On Bird Island there were many South American Fur Seals with their young.
These Walrus were inquisitive and came close to the zodiac.
These are very striking animals.
We saw these majestic animals several times on this 2015 trip to the Kwando region of Botswana.
We had been tracking three young lionesses for some time when they shot off into the tall grass. We followed and found them digging frantically at an Aardvark hole. Our guides told us that these particular lions specialised in digging Warthogs from these holes where...