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Hyenas and vultures on a topi carcass – Maasai Mara 2024

Hyenas and vultures on a topi carcass – Maasai Mara 2024

Hyenas and vultures on a topi carcass.  We left Kicheche Bush Camp early one morning and found a pride of lions on the move. In the distance we could see hyenas and vultures on a topi carcass. The lions had dispatched the topi and what was left was the target for...

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Black Vultures – Costa Rica 2019

Black Vultures – Costa Rica 2019

The Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus) can be found from the southeastern United States to Central Chile and Uruguay. Black vulture adults stand 64 cm high, weigh 1.8 Kg with a 1.33m wingspan. These were viewed in Costa Rica.

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King Vultures – Costa Rica 2019

King Vultures – Costa Rica 2019

The rather quirky King Vulture. King vultures have very distinctive black and white plumage which makes them easy to identify. However, King Vultures are uncommon and difficult to find. At Laguna del Lagarto there is a hide and bait is put out each day. This attracts...

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