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Bubblenet feeding Humpback Whales – Antarctica 2020

Bubblenet feeding Humpback Whales – Antarctica 2020

Bubblenet feeding Humpback Whales. This group of Humpback Whales was close to Wilhelmina Bay, Antarctic Peninsular. Bubblenet feeding Humpabck Whales must be one of the most impresive sights in nature. These whales seemed to be feeding deep in the water so it wasn't...

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Gentoo Penguins – Antarctica 2020

Gentoo Penguins – Antarctica 2020

Gentoo Penguins. This very noisy and busy Gentoo Penguin colony was on Pleneau Island on the Antarctic Peninsular. Lots of interesting behaviour on view. Penguins were carrying stones to build the nests whilst penguins sitting on the nest with eggs were doing some...

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Emperor Penguin – Antarctica 2020

Emperor Penguin – Antarctica 2020

We made a visit to the Chilean Antarctic base Bernardo O'Higgins to hear some of the history and current activities on the base. In addition, there was a Gentoo colony which we intended to visit. As we watched the Gentoos, we heard the unmistakable call of an Emperor...

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Skuas feeding their chick – Antarctica 2020

Skuas feeding their chick – Antarctica 2020

Skuas feeding their chick. I had been watching a mixed Chinstrap Penguin and Gentoo Penguin colony when I noticed there was a pair of Skuas close by along with their chick. This was a very convenient place for them to be since food in the form of young penguin chicks...

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Chinstrap Penguins – Antarctica 2020

Chinstrap Penguins – Antarctica 2020

These Chinstrap Penguins were on Georges Point at the north end of Ronge Isalnd in Antarctica. It had been a bit of a climb to get up there - first across rocks and boulders and then deep snow. It is remarkable that these hardy birds make their nests in such exposed...

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Gentoo Penguins on the beach – Antarctica 2020

Gentoo Penguins on the beach – Antarctica 2020

Gentoo Penguins on the beach at Cuverville Island, Antarctica. It was fun to watch the Gentoo Penguins as they waddled back and forth to the sea. Some were very dirty but others pristine. Gentoo Penguins are the third largest of all the penguins after Emperor and King...

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Bubblenet-feeding Humpback Whales – Antarctica 2020

Bubblenet-feeding Humpback Whales – Antarctica 2020

Bubblenet-feeding Humpback Whales in Antarctica. Bubblenet feeding by Humpback Whales is a very sophisticated, co-operative, group-based approach to feeding. Vertical walls of bubbles are created to trap prey for easier feeding. In the waters (Aquirre Passage and...

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Playful Gentoo Penguins – Antarctica 2020

Playful Gentoo Penguins – Antarctica 2020

Playful Gentoo Penguins. There is a large Gentoo Penguin colony on Cuverville Island on the Antarctic Peninsula. It is both noisy and very smelly. But these are amazing penguins. Behind me was the colony and many penguins were making their way down to the sea. I...

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Penguin punch-up! – Antarctica 2020

Penguin punch-up! – Antarctica 2020

Penguin punch-up! All had been quiet at this Adelie Penguin colony on Yalour Islands on the Antarctic Peninsular. Chicks had been fed, parent pairs were displaying when all hell broke loose. A huge squabble broke out for no obvious reason and went on for several...

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