Lions take down a zebra as a storm builds. Close to Kicheche Bush Camp in the Olare Motorogi Conservancy, Kenya, Africa we saw that a pride of lions had spotted a small herd (a dazzle) of zebra as they prepared to cross the river. The lions immediately started to...
Noisy Hyenas on a Zebra carcass – Laikipia, Kenya 2023
Noisy Hyenas on a Zebra carcass. We came across this very noisy and large clan of hyenas on a Zebra carcass near Laikipia Wilderness Camp, Kenya. There was a single young male lion near by and we surmised that the lion (or lions) had taken down the zebra but that this...
Zebras at the waterhole – Zimanga, South Africa 2022
Zebras at the waterhole. Zebras are very striking animals and often overlooked on safari as the focus can be on the big predators or more rare species. Getting up close with these impressive animals in the hides of Zimanga, South Africa was a treat. The purpose of...
At the water hole – Lewa, Kenya 2022
At the water hole. We visited this waterhole in the Lewa Conservancy, Kenya a number of times because many animals use this very important water source during the course of a day. It was possible to get into various positions for filming. One of these gave magical...
Grevy’s Zebra fighting – Lewa, Kenya 2022
Grevy’s Zebra fighting. On the plains of Lewa Conservancy, North Kenya we found this small herd of Grevy’s zebra. As we watched two stallions started to fight. A rather spectacular sight to see Grevy’s Zebra fighting. After a short scuffle all returned to calm and...
Zebra cross the Mara River during the great migration – Tanzania, 2019
Zebra cross the Mara River during the great migration. Around 250,000 Zebra join more than 1 million Wildebeest during the great migration. They need to cross the dangerous Mara River to reach their goal of fresh pasture running the gauntlet of many large crocodiles...
Amazing wild life spectacle: the great Wildebeest migration – Tanzania, 2019
Amazing wild life spectacle: the great Wildebeest migration. The great migration must be one of the greatest wildlife spectacles on the planet. More than 1 million Wildebeest and some 250,000 Zebra were intent on crossing the Mara River to reach better grazing in the...
Successful Cheetah hunt – Maasai Mara 2019
Successful Cheetah hunt! This coalition of five cheetahs is a unique feature of the Maasai Mara. Together they make an extremely powerful hunting machine. For five hours we had watched the famous five wandering across the savannah, resting in the shade of trees and...
Vultures on a Zebra carcass – Maasai Mara 2019
Vulture pandemonium! A zebra had clearly died of natural causes since there were no predators in the area. The vultures had found the carcass and were taking full advantage before predators arrived on the scene. Many vultures circled overhead and there was a...
Lioness attacks Zebra – Maasai Mara 2019
Lioness attacks Zebra! This Lioness had already tried and failed to take a Zebra as a family group crossed the river. Two members of the Zebra family remained to cross. The Lioness was waiting. She tried and failed again. The Zebra had a lucky escape as did the...