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Grizzly Bears feeding in the river – Alaska 2023

Grizzly Bears feeding in the river – Alaska 2023

Grizzly Bears feeding in the river.  The salmon were plentiful and running in the river at Pavlov (or Pavlof) harbour in South East, Alaska. This Grizzly Bear had no trouble catching salmon anytime it wished. Having caught its prey it would stand in the fast flowing...

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Lunge-feeding Humpback whales – Alaska 2023

Lunge-feeding Humpback whales – Alaska 2023

Lunge-feeding Humpback whales.  It was a gloriously sunny day in Gull Cove on North Chichagof Island, in South East Alaska. The snow covered mountains created the perfect backdrop. We spotted large numbers of gulls, mostly Kittiwakes dipping and diving into the sea....

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Grizzly Bears at a waterfall – Alaska 2023

Grizzly Bears at a waterfall – Alaska 2023

Grizzly Bears at a waterfall. The river and waterfall were flowing nicely in Pavlov (or Pavlof) harbour in South East Alaska and the salmon were plentiful and running. The Grizzly bears were enjoying the feast. Watching the bears charging through the raging water was...

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Swimming Polar Bear – Svalbard 2023

Swimming Polar Bear – Svalbard 2023

Swimming Polar Bear. Svalbard in June is blessed with 24 hours of sunshine each day. It was early in the morning when the light was perfect that we found this male Polar Bear swimming amongst the ice floes. He checked out the ice from both the water and the ice floes....

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Polar Bear cubs of the year play with mum – Svalbard 2023

Polar Bear cubs of the year play with mum – Svalbard 2023

Polar Bear cubs of the year play with mum.  A Polar Bear and her two cubs of the year (COYS) were making their way across the fast ice in Raudfjord, Svalbard. The sun was beating down causing some significant shimmer. As we watched one of the cubs ran towards its...

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Playful Polar Bear cubs of the year – Svalbard 2023

Playful Polar Bear cubs of the year – Svalbard 2023

Playful Polar Bear cubs of the year. In Svalbard’s Raudfjord, a Polar Bear and her two cubs of the year (COYS) were making their leisurely way across the fast ice. The cubs became quite boisterous and began playing with each other. Their mother looked on with...

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Curious Polar Bear cubs of the year – Svalbard 2023

Curious Polar Bear cubs of the year – Svalbard 2023

Curious Polar Bear cubs of the year. In Northern Svalbard we had watched a female Polar Bear and her two cubs of the year (COYS) for quite some time. However, they were very distant. Then curiosity got the better of them and they moved closer towards us. They were...

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Polar Bear plays with drift wood. Part 2 – Svalbard 2023

Polar Bear plays with drift wood. Part 2 – Svalbard 2023

Polar Bear plays with drift wood. In Raudfjord in the north of Svalbard, we found this 1.5 year old male polar bear. We had been watching him for several hours when he appeared from the water carrying a piece of drift wood. He immediately began to play with this stick...

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Kittiwakes follow our ship – Svalbard 2023

Kittiwakes follow our ship – Svalbard 2023

Kittiwakes follow our ship. There was a lot of ice around Svalbard in the summer of 2023. As our ship pushed through the ice north of Svalbard Polar Cod were exposed from below the ice. This brought in lots of Kittiwakes as they like to feast on these delicacies. The...

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Sparring Polar Bears – Churchill, Canada 2022

Sparring Polar Bears – Churchill, Canada 2022

Sparring Polar Bears. Polar Bears congregate on the tundra close to Hudson’s Bay, Churchill, because this is the place they know where the bay will freeze over first and they will be able to hunt seals and have their first substantial meal in months. This is one of...

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Red fox and a successful hunt – Churchill, Canada 2022

Red fox and a successful hunt – Churchill, Canada 2022

Red fox and a successful hunt. It was a bitterly cold morning on the outskirts of Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. This Red Fox was spotted as it hunted in the distance. We worked our way closer and it continued to hunt. It suddenly stopped and could clearly hear the...

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Polar Bear in the pack ice – Svalbard, 2022

Polar Bear in the pack ice – Svalbard, 2022

Polar Bear in the pack ice. North of Svalbard, the blues of the pack ice were very striking as this magnificent Polar Bear made its way effortlessly through the ice. WE had seen this bear several times over the course of a few days. It was curious and came towards our...

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Polar Bear enjoys a dip in the sea – Svalbard, 2022

Polar Bear enjoys a dip in the sea – Svalbard, 2022

Polar Bear enjoys a dip in the sea. A Sperm Whale carcass had washed up on the shores of Lomfjorden, Spitsbergen (Svalbard) sometime ago and had become mostly buried in the pebbles on the shore. This was a magnet for Polar Bears as it provides food for many months. We...

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Polar Bear amongst the ice floes – Svalbard 2022

Polar Bear amongst the ice floes – Svalbard 2022

Polar Bear amongst the ice floes. There can be fewer better sights than a Polar Bear picking its way amongst the ice floes. Perfectly adapted to its arctic environment, this top predator moves with ease across the ice: a beautiful balance between power and elegance....

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Swimming Polar Bear – Svalbard 2022

Swimming Polar Bear – Svalbard 2022

Swimming Polar Bear. The pack ice was to the far north of Arctic Svalbard. We searched for Polar Bears bears amongst some wonderful ice formations. The blue colour of some of the ice made the scene magical. Suddenly we saw movement in the sea - a swimming Polar Bear!...

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Guadalupe Fur Seals – Baja, Mexico 2022

Guadalupe Fur Seals – Baja, Mexico 2022

Guadalupe Fur Seals. By the late 19th century Guadalupe Fur Seals had been hunted to almost extinction and was only “re-discovered” in 1926. The population has grown from around 200-500 animals to about 16,000 in the last 60 years. They are considered Near Threatened...

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Stunning Humpback Whales – Baja, Mexico 2022

Stunning Humpback Whales – Baja, Mexico 2022

Stunning Humpback Whales. Sailing south from San Diego along the Pacific coast of Baja it is not unusual to encounter rough seas. On this occasion it was unusually calm and sunny. We encountered a group of five stunning Humpback Whales in near perfect conditions. This...

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Active Humpback Whales – Baja, Mexico 2022

Active Humpback Whales – Baja, Mexico 2022

Active Humpback Whales. After a few days of rough seas in the The Sea of Cortez, we headed south in search of calmer waters near the Gorda Banks and hopefully to find some active Humpback Whales. Thankfully the whales performed for us but there was still a substantial...

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Sparring Polar Bears on the shore – Churchill, Canada 2021

Sparring Polar Bears on the shore – Churchill, Canada 2021

Sparring Polar Bears on the shore. It was a gloriously sunny day on the shoreline of Hudson Bay, Churchill. The snow was brilliant white and sparkling. Looking around one could see several Polar Bears sleeping, slowly walking around or interacting in small groups....

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Polar Bears on a frozen lake – Churchill, Canada 2021

Polar Bears on a frozen lake – Churchill, Canada 2021

Polar Bears on a frozen lake. It was a gloriously sunny day out on the tundra close to the shore of Hudson Bay near Churchill, Canada. As we made our way across the tundra we could see several bears in the distance wandering around on a very blue and frozen lake. It...

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Polar Bear and cubs at the shore – Churchill, Canada 2021

Polar Bear and cubs at the shore – Churchill, Canada 2021

Polar Bear and cubs at the shore. We had seen this Polar bear and her two cubs a few days earlier as they had crossed the icy tundra near Churchill, Canada. She had been heading for the shoreline when we lost track of them. Now we found then on a rocky outcrop at the...

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Adelie penguins by the icy sea – Antarctica, 2020

Adelie penguins by the icy sea – Antarctica, 2020

Adelie penguins by the icy sea.In the cool evening light we landed on Torgensen Island having pushed our way through the ice to get ashore. Adelie penguins were scattered around the beach. Some were heading out to fish whilst others arrived leaping from the sea and...

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Gentoo Penguins at dawn – Antarctica, 2020

Gentoo Penguins at dawn – Antarctica, 2020

Gentoo Penguins at dawn. It was a very early start on Pléneau Island to catch the Gentoo Penguin colony as the sun rose over the mountains and icebergs in the background. Despite the cold, it was well worth the effort. Gentoo Penguins are the third largest of all the...

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Bald Eagles and snow – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles and snow – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles and snow. China Poot Bay is an extraordinary place to watch Bald Eagles. We visited there several times during our stay in Homer. We were on a small sand spit that was covered in snow with snow-covered mountains as an amazing backdrop. The eages were very...

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Bald Eagles in the surf – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles in the surf – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles in the surf. These eagles were on the beach, just up from the water line,in Kachemak Bay. Although they are sea eagles, it was strange seeing them wade into the sea to pick up scraps of fish. Their haunting calls rang out across the bay. Female birds weigh...

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Sea Otter and her pup – Alaska 2020

Sea Otter and her pup – Alaska 2020

Sea Otter and her pup. We spent quite some time watching this adorable Sea Otter pup and its mother. They are endearing little creatures. Births occur year round but but peak in May and June. This was filmed in February. Remarkably gestation varies from 4-12 months...

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