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Polar Bear enjoys a dip in the sea – Svalbard, 2022

Polar Bear enjoys a dip in the sea – Svalbard, 2022

Polar Bear enjoys a dip in the sea. A Sperm Whale carcass had washed up on the shores of Lomfjorden, Spitsbergen (Svalbard) sometime ago and had become mostly buried in the pebbles on the shore. This was a magnet for Polar Bears as it provides food for many months. We...

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Polar Bear amongst the ice floes – Svalbard 2022

Polar Bear amongst the ice floes – Svalbard 2022

Polar Bear amongst the ice floes. There can be fewer better sights than a Polar Bear picking its way amongst the ice floes. Perfectly adapted to its arctic environment, this top predator moves with ease across the ice: a beautiful balance between power and elegance....

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Swimming Polar Bear – Svalbard 2022

Swimming Polar Bear – Svalbard 2022

Swimming Polar Bear. The pack ice was to the far north of Arctic Svalbard. We searched for Polar Bears bears amongst some wonderful ice formations. The blue colour of some of the ice made the scene magical. Suddenly we saw movement in the sea - a swimming Polar Bear!...

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Guadalupe Fur Seals – Baja, Mexico 2022

Guadalupe Fur Seals – Baja, Mexico 2022

Guadalupe Fur Seals. By the late 19th century Guadalupe Fur Seals had been hunted to almost extinction and was only “re-discovered” in 1926. The population has grown from around 200-500 animals to about 16,000 in the last 60 years. They are considered Near Threatened...

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Stunning Humpback Whales – Baja, Mexico 2022

Stunning Humpback Whales – Baja, Mexico 2022

Stunning Humpback Whales. Sailing south from San Diego along the Pacific coast of Baja it is not unusual to encounter rough seas. On this occasion it was unusually calm and sunny. We encountered a group of five stunning Humpback Whales in near perfect conditions. This...

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Active Humpback Whales – Baja, Mexico 2022

Active Humpback Whales – Baja, Mexico 2022

Active Humpback Whales. After a few days of rough seas in the The Sea of Cortez, we headed south in search of calmer waters near the Gorda Banks and hopefully to find some active Humpback Whales. Thankfully the whales performed for us but there was still a substantial...

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Sparring Polar Bears on the shore – Churchill, Canada 2021

Sparring Polar Bears on the shore – Churchill, Canada 2021

Sparring Polar Bears on the shore. It was a gloriously sunny day on the shoreline of Hudson Bay, Churchill. The snow was brilliant white and sparkling. Looking around one could see several Polar Bears sleeping, slowly walking around or interacting in small groups....

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Polar Bear and cubs at the shore – Churchill, Canada 2021

Polar Bear and cubs at the shore – Churchill, Canada 2021

Polar Bear and cubs at the shore. We had seen this Polar bear and her two cubs a few days earlier as they had crossed the icy tundra near Churchill, Canada. She had been heading for the shoreline when we lost track of them. Now we found then on a rocky outcrop at the...

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Polar Bear has fun in the snow – Churchill, Canada 2021

Polar Bear has fun in the snow – Churchill, Canada 2021

Polar Bear has fun in the snow. The falling snow was creating a superb winter scene as we drove around the outskirts of Churchill looking for Polar Bears. This beautiful female was sitting on a small ridge with snow blowing around her. She then began to role around in...

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Polar Bear and cubs cross the ice – Churchill, Canada 2021

Polar Bear and cubs cross the ice – Churchill, Canada 2021

Polar Bear and cubs cross the ice. Out on the tundra close to the shore of Hudson Bay, Churchill, male Polar Bears are seen frequently. The females with cubs are often found deeper in land to keep their cubs safe from the males. So it was a delight to see this mother...

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Magnificent male Polar Bear – Churchill, Canada 2021

Magnificent male Polar Bear – Churchill, Canada 2021

Magnificent male Polar Bear. The environment around Churchill, Canada is a fabulous place to view Polar Bears. The bears can be found on the tundra, amongst rocks and small trees and down at the shore line. We found this large magnificent male Polar Bear lying in the...

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A lovely female Polar Bear – Churchill, Canada 2021

A lovely female Polar Bear – Churchill, Canada 2021

A lovely female Polar Bear. It was a beautifully sunny yet very chilly day in Churchill. As we drove along we spotted this gorgeous female Polar Bear sitting high on a ridge surveying the territory around her. Suddenly she stretched and slid down the bank of snow. She...

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Sparring Polar Bears – Churchill, Canada 2021

Sparring Polar Bears – Churchill, Canada 2021

Sparring Polar Bears. As a freezing wind blew across the tundra near Churchill, Canada these two male Polar Bears had a sparring match. Breath from their exertions condensed and was carried away on the breeze. Their actions kicked up the snow which was also picked up...

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Glacier calving at Neko Harbour – Antarctica, 2020

Glacier calving at Neko Harbour – Antarctica, 2020

Glacier calving at Neko Harbour. The glacier at Neko Harbour is renown for serious calving activity. So much so that once on shore it is necessary to keep well back from the shore line since in the event of a major calving, a tsunami can be created that may swamp the...

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Adelie penguins by the icy sea – Antarctica, 2020

Adelie penguins by the icy sea – Antarctica, 2020

Adelie penguins by the icy sea.In the cool evening light we landed on Torgensen Island having pushed our way through the ice to get ashore. Adelie penguins were scattered around the beach. Some were heading out to fish whilst others arrived leaping from the sea and...

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Hungry Gentoo Penguin Chicks – Antarctica, 2020

Hungry Gentoo Penguin Chicks – Antarctica, 2020

Hungry Gentoo Penguin Chicks. It was an overcast, cold and blustery day with occasional snow flurries as we landed on D’Hainaut Island on the Antarctic Peninsular. It was a short hike to reach the Gentoo Penguin colony with a most impressive glacier as a backdrop....

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Gentoo Penguins at dawn – Antarctica, 2020

Gentoo Penguins at dawn – Antarctica, 2020

Gentoo Penguins at dawn. It was a very early start on Pléneau Island to catch the Gentoo Penguin colony as the sun rose over the mountains and icebergs in the background. Despite the cold, it was well worth the effort. Gentoo Penguins are the third largest of all the...

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Adelie penguins and their chicks – Antarctica, 2020

Adelie penguins and their chicks – Antarctica, 2020

Adelie penguins and their chicks. The Adelie Penguin colonies on the Yalour Islands in Antarctica were a hive of activity. Birds were coming and going from the colonies with food for the chicks. Some were sitting on eggs, some had very young chicks and others were...

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Adelie Penguins in the snow – Antarctica, 2020

Adelie Penguins in the snow – Antarctica, 2020

Adelie Penguins in the snow. The Adelie penguins in the colonies on Yalour Islands can be filthy. In this film they are returning from a fishing expedition and so are nice and clean. They are making their way from the sea across the snow to the colonies perched high...

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Sea Otters in ice – Alaska 2020

Sea Otters in ice – Alaska 2020

The Sea Otters in Homer harbour had been having a tough time since the harbour had been packed with ice. As the ice began to disperse, the Sea Otters were more active and easier to watch. They are endearing little creatures. Sea Otters have the densest fur in the...

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Bald Eagles on the beach – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles on the beach – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles are impressive birds. Their size and power is very evident when they come close. These eagles were on the beach, just up from the water line, on Cohen Island in Kachemak Bay. They have an almost sinister demeanour as they walk around. Their haunting calls...

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Bald Eagles in snow – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles in snow – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles in snow. China Poot Bay is an extraordinary place to watch Bald Eagles. We were on a small sand spit that was covered in snow with snow-covered mountains as an amazing backdrop. The eages were very active! Female birds weigh on average 5.3kg whilst males...

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Bald Eagles at sunset – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles at sunset – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles at sunset. As the sunset in China Poot Cove of Kachemak Bay, the Bald Eagles were still active in their search for fish. The light was lovely and the eagles made an impressive sight against the evening sky. The snow-covered mountains in the distance just...

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Bald Eagles fishing – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles fishing – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles fishing. Bald Eagles are sea eagles and very adept at plucking fish from the sea. Bald Eagles subsist mainly on fish which they catch by swooping down and snatching from the water with their massive talons. Remarkably, they are able to take whole salmon...

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Bald Eagles on icy rocks – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles on icy rocks – Alaska 2020

Bald Eagles: power and beauty. Bald Eagles on the shore of Peterson Bay across Kachemak Bay from Homer, Alaska. The ice covered rocks and icicles made for a beautiful setting to watch these magnificent birds. Female birds weigh on average 5.3kg whilst males weigh in...

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Gentoo Penguin chicks – Antarctica 2020

Gentoo Penguin chicks – Antarctica 2020

Gentoo Penguin chicks at González Videla Base, on the Antarctic mainland at Waterboat Point in Paradise Bay. One advantage of visiting this base is the opportunity to get closer to the penguins than is allowed elsewhere. This is because the Gentoo Penguins nest very...

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